🔥 Regulatory mechanisms of RNA virus?

Paper A pseudovirus system enables deep mutational scanning of the full SARS-CoV-2 spike describe a deep mutational scanning platform based on non-replicative pseudotyped lentiviruses.

🔥 Regulatory mechanisms of aging and cancer?

Paper Telomere-to-mitochondria signalling by ZBP1 mediates replicative crisis identified the innate immune sensor Z-DNA binding protein 1 (ZBP1) as a regulator. ZBP1 associated with telomeric-repeat-containing RNA (TERRA) transcripts that are synthesized from dysfunctional telomeres. TERRA-bound ZBP1 oligomerizes into filaments on the outer mitochondrial membrane of a subset of mitochondria, where it activates the innate immune adapter protein mitochondrial antiviral-signalling protein (MAVS). 2023-2-8

Paper Structural basis for regulation of apoptosis and autophagy by the BIRC6/SMAC complex discuss how the BIRC6/SMAC complex can act as a stress-induced hub to regulate apoptosis and autophagy drivers.

Paper Cells recognize osmotic stress through liquid–liquid phase separation lubricated with poly(ADP-ribose) clarify that poly(ADP-ribose) keeps apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 3 (ASK3) condensates in the liquid phase and enables ASK3 to become inactivated under hyperosmotic stress. 2021

Paper Functional T cells are capable of supernumerary cell division and longevity addressed whether T cells are intrinsically constrained by chronological or cell-division limits. Despite demonstrating the potential to expand the starting population at least 10^40-fold, cells did not show loss of proliferation control and results were not due to contamination with young cells. We found that although iterative acute stimulations also induced sustained expression and epigenetic remodelling of common exhaustion markers (including PD1, which is also known as PDCD1, and TOX) in the cells, they could still proliferate, execute antimicrobial functions and form quiescent memory cells. 2023-2

Paper Endogenous retrovirus activation as a key mechanism of anti-tumor immune response in radiotherapy radiotherapy (RT) kills cancer cells through Generation of DNA double strand breaks and also induced ERV-associated dsRNA transcription and subsequent activation of the innate antiviral MDA5/MAVS/TBK1 pathway. 2020

Paper Human endogenous retroviruses in development and disease HERVs are involved in various biological processes through encoding proteins, acting as promoters/enhancers, or lncRNAs to affect human health and disease. 2021

Paper Global spliceosome activity regulates entry into cellular senescence report a common shift in the expression of 58 spliceosomal genes at the pre-senescence stage. 2021 文章只是观测到衰老之前发生了spliceosomal的转变,这个转变可能是由于细胞处于stress之中导致的,没有提供证据表明spliceosomal巩固了衰老的细胞状态。有可能所有细胞经历了stress之后都不可避免的走向衰老,但是依赖T细胞的清除能够保持总体健康,那么T细胞的衰老就显得尤其重要。

🔥 Mecular functional mechanism of mammalian cells?

Paper CTCF is a DNA-tension-dependent barrier to cohesin-mediated loop extrusion show that CTCF is sufficient to block diffusing cohesin, possibly reflecting how cohesive cohesin accumulates at TAD boundaries, and is also sufficient to block loop-extruding cohesin. 2023-4-27

🔥 De novo design of functional proteins?

Paper De novo design of luciferases using deep learning design artificial luciferases that selectively catalyse the oxidative chemiluminescence of the synthetic luciferin substrates diphenylterazine3 and 2-deoxycoelenterazine.

Paper De novo design of luciferases using deep learning use RifGen method to Design of protein-binding proteins from the target structure alone. use deep-learning-based ‘family-wide hallucination’ approach that generates large numbers of idealized protein structures containing diverse pocket shapes and designed sequences that encode them.

🔥 Regulatory mechanisms of tissue development?

Paper Cell lineage-specific mitochondrial resilience during mammalian organogenesis show that Genetically disrupting intra-mitochondrial protein synthesis with two different mtDNA mutations induced cell lineage-specific compensatory responses. 2023-2-23

🔥 origin of life: RNA world?

Paper Origin of life: protoribosome forms peptide bonds and links RNA and protein dominated worlds a universal internal small RNA pocket-like segment called by us the protoribosome, which is still embedded in the contemporary ribosome, is a vestige of the primordial ribosome. 2023-3-1

🔥 Construction machine learning expirement?

BP神经网络的逻辑是使用多个并行的非线性函数对输入输出关系进行拟合(参考视频 )。这个非线性函数被称为激活函数,采用的是可以求导的非线性形式。通过求导能求出来输出与输入之间的倒数的表达形式,这个表达形式是由BP网络里的所有参数决定的。这样通过优化算法,就可以对所有参数进行拟合。



学习逻辑是学习局部特征,因为filter就是特征的表示,而每一层filter的大小是固定的,因此对局部特征学习比较鲁棒以及准确,而对于较远的直接相关的特征,就把握的不准确。filter的作用是提取局部特征,RELU的作用是normalization,max pooling的作用是给特征分类,避免过拟合。






基因调控网络的知识可以用GNN处理,但是目前对于基因调控网络的知识能给出的信息是,哪些基因变化之后会观测到另外哪些基因的变化。而且不同的细胞状态,对应的基因调控网络的知识图谱是不同的。图的数据表示了实体以及他们之间的关系,图的数据具有的独特性在于它是非欧式空间。为了适应这种独特性产生了基于谱的多种方法。有可能有用的参考文章 .




值得一提的是Swin Transformer是将Transformer架构用在视觉任务,与Transformer不同的是,Swin在局部进行Transformer运算,并使用类似CNN的移动窗口,对所有局部进行Transformer运算,随后使用类似CNN的pooling,将信息进行整合。

Alexnet是机器学习能够进行深度学习的奠基之作,作者希望解决模型层数太多出现过拟合的问题,方法是使用了max pooling和dropout,另一方面把激活层函数从tanh,sigmidal变为ReLU,ReLU的后期兴起也是因为它很简单,其实它和别的激活函数效果差不多。这里注释一下激活函数“并不是去激活什么,而是指如何把“激活的神经元的特征”通过函数把特征保留并映射出来,即负责将神经元的输入映射到输出端。”Alexnet另一个贡献是不需要对数据进行先提取特征,实现了图片进去,结果出来的end-to-end模式。



Diffusion进一步将这种思路扩展,训练一个网络学习从噪声走到一个图像,其中核心的改进是训练网络不去学习从高噪声到达的低噪声图像,而是去学习这个噪声。主要思想参考视频 .

UMAP的过程包括四步,第一步以每个点为中心计算点之间的距离并且保证对所有中心点来说,它的距离比较近的几个点的和相等,第二步平均化,使得所有点之间的距离是无差异的,第三步使用spectral embedding将所有点初始化在2维平面上,第四步优化一个2维的t分布曲线,分别移动每个点使得所有点在t分布曲线上的函数最小。

spectral embedding的思想是扎实的数学理论,目的是将高维数据给变成低维数据,它的前提假设是高维数据是分布在一个低维流形上,方法也是先判断这两个点在不在一类,如果按照某种计算方式,该计算方式可以是欧式距离等等,这两个点在一类,那就认为这两个点之间有连线,然后为了计算,就给这些连线赋值,最后计算这个连线组成的矩阵的前若干个特征值,这个数量等于降维之后的维度。认为这些特征值保留了这些连线的局部特征。spectral embedding用在给图数据降维。两个有用的参考解释1 2 .

🔥 Microfluidics & scRNA-seq

Paper Droplet-based forward genetic screening of astrocyte–microglia cross-talk developed a forward genetic screening platform that combines CRISPR-Cas9 perturbations, cell coculture in picoliter droplets, and microfluidic-based fluorescence-activated droplet sorting to identify mechanisms of cell–cell communication. 2023-3-9

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